Resilience: How Top Founders Overcome Uncertainty
Embracing Unpredictability: A Founder's Guide to Thriving in Turbulent Times
I'm Manuel Saez, I write to help founders master emotional intelligence to make decisions with clarity 🌻 EQ coach, 2X-founder & award-winning designer ➜ I love fixing old motorcycles 🛵 🏍
Reading time: 4 min.
Dealing With The Unpredictability Of Life
Accepting The Imperfections Of Life
Letting Go Of Expectations
Finding Gratitude In Difficult Situations
Choosing Joy
In the relentless pursuit of entrepreneurial success, resilience emerges as a vital trait for founders.
As a founder, many people told me, “Don’t quit” or “Stick through hard times, and things are going to work out.” All good advice, but no one told me how to do it.
In this essay, I share some of the things I discovered that worked for me, and I believe they will be useful to some of you reading this note.
The Unpredictability of Life
Dealing with the unpredictability of life can be overwhelming, and it's normal to feel scared or anxious when faced with unexpected situations.
When this happens, take a step back and breathe. Process what's happening around you to put things into perspective and create a plan of action.
Remember that even if you don't understand why something happened, it doesn't mean it was done without purpose. Many difficult moments come as part of your growth journey and help you learn valuable lessons about yourself.
Focusing on how each challenge makes you more assertive rather than dwelling on why they occurred can help you deal with the unpredictability of life.
As you become more comfortable navigating through these uncertain times, you'll gain increased confidence in finding solutions that work for you.
Accepting The Imperfections Of Life
When life seems unpredictable, and things aren't going your way, it's easy to become overwhelmed. However, it's essential to accept that life's imperfections are part of the human experience.
You can't always control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond.
Accepting uncertainty as part of life's natural rhythm is a crucial step towards becoming more resilient and developing healthier habits for dealing with stress.
By focusing on the present moment and practicing gratitude and acceptance, you'll be better prepared for whatever comes your way.
Remember that life may not always go as planned, but acknowledging this reality helps you focus on what matters most in any given moment.
Instead of dwelling on past mistakes or future fears, take solace in savoring the present and using opportunities as they arise.
So, even if life occasionally throws you curveballs, adopting a mindset focused on gratitude and flexibility will serve you well now and in the future.
Letting Go Of Expectations
A: Remember that you're not alone if you struggle to overcome expectations. We all have desires and dreams for what we want to achieve, but sometimes, these desires can prevent us from living in the present moment.
When we focus too much on what could or should happen, we can be easily disappointed when things turn out differently than planned.
Try being mindful of your thoughts and feelings to let go of expectations. Allow space for uncertainty without judgment.
Acknowledge your worries without letting them take over, and observe yourself objectively instead of getting overwhelmed with emotions.
Instead of ruminating on unmet goals and desired outcomes, focus on taking action toward positive activities that bring you joy. Remember that life will always be unpredictable, no matter how hard you try.
Accept that not everything is within your control and surrender to the unknown with curiosity and acceptance.
Allow yourself room to grow and explore different possibilities without attachment or expectation of the outcome—only then can you truly appreciate the beauty of life's surprises!
Finding Gratitude In Difficult Situations
Finding gratitude in life's more challenging situations may seem complicated, but it is possible. To cultivate gratitude, take time each day to reflect on the good moments, find joy in small tasks, and savor those moments as they come.
You can get creative and start an ongoing list of things that make you happy or bring you joy.
By taking these steps, you can begin to appreciate the present moment instead of getting stuck in worry and doubt about what could have been different.
We all experience difficulty at times, but by reframing our perspective, we become aware of the beauty within every challenging situation.
This awareness creates a space for inner growth and understanding, allowing you to shift your focus towards gratefulness even when circumstances don't go according to plan.
Acceptance brings peace and clarity, allowing you to live freely without attachment, expectation, or judgment.
It also allows you to control your life by actively choosing how you want to feel at any moment—whether that's by finding something positive or simply accepting what is without fear or resistance.
Choosing Joy
To choose joy in every moment, you must recognize what brings happiness and appreciate those moments. Some tips include:
Take time to relax throughout the day, whether by taking a break from work or indulging in self-care activities like yoga or meditation.
Celebrate small victories—no matter how insignificant they may seem. Recognizing even the most minor accomplishments will give you something to be thankful for each day.
Practice gratitude – take note of everything in your life that brings you joy and express thankfulness for them as often as possible.
Find purpose in whatever situation you're in – rather than dwelling on feeling down about something, try looking at it from another angle so that you see its potential instead.
By doing these things, you can cultivate contentment within yourself despite external circumstances.
When you choose joy above all else, you free yourself from negative thoughts and open up possibilities for growth and transformation - internally and externally!
A founder's journey is fraught with challenges, yet these very challenges forge resilience.
Embracing unpredictability, accepting life's imperfections, letting go of rigid expectations, finding gratitude in adversity, and choosing joy are not just strategies; they are transformative principles.
They helped me to view each hurdle not as a setback but as an opportunity for growth, learning, and personal evolution.
As you navigate the entrepreneurial path, remember that resilience is not about avoiding the storm but learning to dance in the rain.
Sending you good vibes 🌻
Manuel Saez 👉